Meetings of the Council are usually held on the second Monday of each month unless there is a Bank Holiday (excluding August*).
Planning/Highways Committee meetings may start at 6.00pm or 6.30pm prior to a meeting Council Meeting. Please see relevant published agendas.
All meetings of the Council start at 7.00pm unless otherwise indicated.
Planning applications will be available for Members of the Planning Committee to view from 5.45pm onwards.
Planning Applications requiring an urgent decision or those received during ‘Council Recess’ will be addressed under Delegated Powers. (Additional Planning Committee meetings may be convened as and when considered appropriate).
Any Committee Chairman unable to attend for their Committee Meeting is requested to agree a replacement Chair in advance (normally the Vice-Chair).
Meetings are open to members of the press and public, 15 minutes are allotted on each agenda to allow for public participation. To find out more about this please contact the Town Clerk.
A Schedule of Meetings for the coming year is agreed at the Annual Meeting of the Council. (this is where you will put the x2 PDF links to do with the Municipal Year dates) OR Do you think instead of the 2 pdf’s at the top of the Minutes and agendas page we could put in the same plug in as the events and put the date of each of the meetings?
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