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OLD Finance


Value for Money
It is essential that as a council we provide value for money. This means ensuring that public money is spent efficiently to provide an effective service. Our aim therefore is to get more council activity for the least possible expense without compromising quality.
Lydney Town Council regularly assess ‘value for money’, and questions whether it is really necessary to spend the money or whether it can find a way of addressing a service more efficiently. As part of our commitment to continued improvement we consult other councils and engage with other service users and the wider community to find out what they think and will join with other councils to deliver a more economic service to the community as and where appropriate.
The Council’s Financial Regulations and a number of statutes and procedures provide the Council with the tools it needs to achieve its goals, protect community assets and make best use of public money.
Efficiency and Value for Money
Lydney Town Council recognises the importance of using its resources in an efficient way and one that is shown to give Value for Money.
Col 1
Our Efficiency & Value for Money Policy shows how we seek to operate in an efficient way.

Lydney Town Council’s Financial Documentation

Council Payments over £500 

The Council is legally bound to disclose details of all payments made in excess of £500, it however chooses to make all payment information available and provides as part of its monthly Full Council Minutes a full copy of that particular months payment schedule, alternatively you may click on the financial payment schedules shown below.

Monthly Financial Payment Schedules 2024

Monthly Financial Payment Schedules previous years

Council Contracts Over £5000

Annual Accounts

Annual AccountsAdditional Supporting Documents
AGAR Notice Section 1,2,3 Final 31.03.24 FullAGAR Notice Section 1,2 and 3 final 31.03.2024
Notice of Conclusion of Audit 31.03.24Notice of Conclusion of Audit 31.03.2024
LTC Signed AGAR for Website 16.09.24 ReadjustedSigned AGAR for Lydney Town Council for the financial period 2023/2024
Notice of Public Rights & Publication June 2024 - UpdatedNotice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance & Accountability Return
Account for the Year Ended 31st March 2024
Annual Governance & Accountability Return 2022/23 (Audited)

Regarding the AGAR, a numerical error occurred in the data input which will result in a ‘Restated’ account for Box 8 for the next AGAR.

Please note the stated figure in Box 8 should read £738,078
Bank - Cash and Investment Reconciliation as at 31 March 2023

Lydney Town Council - AGAR
Notice of Conclusion for Audit FY ended 31.03.2022 (audited)
External Audit Certificate FY ended 31.03.2022 (audited)
AGAR FY ended 31.03.2022 (audited)
External Audit Report FY ended 31.03.2022
Staff Salaries - There are no employees employed by Lydney Town Council whose taxable salary is in excess of £50,000.00
Notice of Right to Inspection of Accounts 2021 22
External Auditors Report on Accounts for 2020-21
Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2019-20 (Audited) - Sections 1 & 2

Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2019-20 (Audited) - Section 3

Notice of Conclusion of Audit. Annual Governance & Accountability Return for year ended 31 March 2020
Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2018-19 (Audited)

Notice of Conclusion of Audit Annual Governance & Accountability Return for Year Ended 31 March 2019
Independent Internal Interim Audit 2018-19

Independent Internal EOY Audit 2018-19
Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2017-18 (audited)

Notice of Conclusion of Audit. Annual Governance & Accountability Return for Year Ended 31 March 2018
Independent Internal Interim Audit 2017-2018

Independent Internal EOY Audit 2017-18
Annual Governance and Accountability return 2020-2021 Unadudited