Policies and Procedures

As a Town Council we obtain, create and manage a large amount of information relating to our services, customers and partners which require the Council to consider, adopt and follow set policies.
We are committed to both the concepts of transparency and open government but recognise the importance of protecting the privacy of our customers and employees. We intend to achieve this by ensuring that we have clear and understandable rules about the information we collect, hold and share.
Our aim is to ensure that we have the right information to allow us to improve and continue to improve customer service and by managing that information effectively and efficiently, to provide the best value services for customer.
Freedom of the Town Approved 11.09.23
NDP Steering Group TORs v3 12.02.24

The Council’s main governance document is our Standing Orders. These set out the main rules and processes that govern how we work and how we make decisions:
Standing Orders Approved 15.05.23.

Sitting alongside our Standing Orders are our Financial Regulations. These set out further detail about a range of financial processes at the Council including how we procure goods and services, budgets and reporting:
Financial Regulations Approved 15.05.23.

The Council has a number of Committees namely; Planning & Highway, Finance & Scrutiny; Amenities and Burial. The Remit of Committees document shows their specific areas of responsibility:
Remit for Committees Approved 15.05.23

Each year the Council adopt a Members Code of Conduct based on the code published by the National Association of Local Councils (NALC):
Code of Conduct May 2023 15.05.23

Understanding ones role within the Council is important, the following document sets Member/Officer Protocol:
Member – Officer Relations

The Council has a complaints policy, and a policy for dealing with abusive, unreasonable or vexatious complaints:
Complaints Procedure Approved 15.05.23

The Council’s Freedom of Information Policy may be viewed here:
FOI Policy 2023 Approved 15.05.23

LTC Asset Register to date May 2023 Approved 15.05.23

List of Annual Subscriptions Approved 15.05.23

Press and Media Policy Approved 15.05.23

Recruitment and Selection Policy Approved 15th May 2023.

Scheme of Delegation Approved 15.05.23.

Town Council Risk Assessment Approved 15.05.23

Training Policy and Procedure Approved 15.05.23.

Street Naming Policy APPROVED 10.07.23

View a list of all Lydney Town Council’s policies

The council has adopted a Biodiversity policy 
Biodiversity Duty 06.11.23

General Reserves & Earmarked Reserves Policy 
Reserves & EMR Policy Approved 13.11.23

Publication Scheme Policy Statement 
Publication Scheme Policy Statement UPDATED 25.01.24

Lydney Climate Adaptation Plan 
Climate Risk Summary Lydney Adaptation Plan Approved 08.04.24
Lydney Adaptation Plan Summery