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OLD Minutes and Agendas

Lydney Town Council – Minutes & Agendas

Current Year Meeting Minutes and Meeting Schedule


Please note that all meeting agendas are published at least three days in advance of each meeting and are displayed on the Council Notice Boards.
Copies of the Agendas relevant to forthcoming Town Council and Committee Meetings may be downloaded from this page. Please note that Lydney Town Council will no longer print copies of the Public versions of meeting agendas for use at its meetings, unless a member of the public contacts the office by 2.00 pm on the day of the meeting.
Hard copies of the Agendas are also displayed on the Town Council noticeboards which are sited in the following locations.
  • O/S Lydney Town Hall
  • O/S Lydney Co-operative Store
  • Oakdale Estate
  • Primrose Hill O/S Butchers Shop


Please click on the meeting dates below to view or download a copy of the ‘approved’ minutes (see below for archived meeting minutes).
Please note: Lydney Town Council intend to make publicly available all meeting minutes within one month of the meeting having taken place, except during the month of August when ‘DRAFT’ Minutes will be uploaded; this being due to Council Recess.

Previous Years' Meeting Minutes

Please note the minutes listed below are shown alphabetically and then displayed in a Year, Month, Day order.
1. Meetings of the Council are usually held on the second Monday of each month unless there is a Bank Holiday (excluding August*).
– Planning/Highways Committee meetings will start at 6.00pm prior to a meeting Council Meeting.
– All meetings of the Council start at 7.00pm unless otherwise indicated.
2. Planning applications will be available for Members of the Planning Committee to view from 5.45pm onwards. 
3. Planning Applications requiring an urgent decision or those received during ‘Council Recess’ will be addressed under Delegated Powers. (Additional Planning Committee meetings may be convened as and when considered appropriate).
4. Any Committee Chairman unable to attend for their Committee Meeting is requested to agree a replacement Chair in advance (normally the Vice-Chair).