Lydney Town Council Grants, Donations & The Mayor’s Civic Award Scheme

What is the Grants Fund?
Every year Lydney Town Council sets aside money within the budget for the Grants Fund, aimed to benefit people and projects local to the Parish of Lydney.
Applications will be considered for financial assistance towards a specific project, item or activity from community associations, cultural, educational, sporting and charitable organisations, which are non-commercial and whose membership and field of activities are located within the Parish.
Who can apply?
Any not-for-profit group operating for the benefit of the community of Lydney. This is provided that you have a constitution or set of rules and a bank account with at least two signatories.
What will not be funded?
  • Activities that are part of statutory obligations.
  • Loan repayments.
  • Retrospective applications where the activity or project has already been carried out (unless Council notified in advance).
  • Religious or political activities unless unrestricted community benefit can be demonstrated.
How do we apply?
You can contact Lydney Town Council for an application form, or alternatively you can download the form below:
Community Grants:
  • Forest of Dean Babybank – £1,000 granted June/July 2023
  • Lydney Town Ladies (Football) – £1,000 granted June/July 2023
  • Victoria Centre – £1,000 granted June/July 2023
  • Victoria Centre – £500.00 granted November 2023
  • Lydney RFC Junior Section – £1,000 granted February 2024
  • Lydney Town Hall Trust – £957.60 granted February 2024
Civic Awards:
  • The Golden Triangle Club – £100.00
  • Sponsorship Heroes Award – £250.00
  • Dean Academy Student Voucher – £25.00
  • The Royal British Legion (Lydney Branch) – £800.00 Civic Grant awarded February 2024
  • Lydney & Twinning District Association – £1,000.00 Civic Grant awarded February 2024
Youth Grant:
  • Summer activities 2023 Taurus Crafts – £930.00


The Mayor’s Civic Award Scheme

Each year the Mayor awards a Grant of £200 to a young person who has demonstrated outstanding ability and who would benefit from financial assistance to help them progress in their chosen sport or art.
To find out more or to apply you can contact Lydney Town Council for an application form, or alternatively you can download the form below:

Student Community Shield – Recipient 2024/2025

Alesha Hill
Dean Academy student Alesha Hill was presented with a Community award by Mayor of Lydney Cllr Tasha Saunders.

Alesha was nominated by the school for being relentlessly positive and dedicated to her studies and exams in spite of the medical challenges she has faced, especially over the last year or so. She is such a friendly and respectful member of the school community.

Head Teacher Richard Brand commented “Alisha is a joy to teach and a credit to the school and her family, with a bright future ahead of her and we wish her all the very best in her future endeavours.”


Applicants who do not meet the Grants Policy Criteria may still apply twice a year for a donation from the Council
How do we apply?
You can contact Lydney Town Council for an application form, or alternatively you can download the form below.

List of Grants/Donations provided